
Amigdala Hijack

This section is dedicated to a very important phenomenon named Amigdala Hijack.

83000 Brain Scans Lesson

  • How do you know, unless you look?
  • SPECT is a nuclear medicine study that looks at the blood flow and activity, it looks at how your brain works
  • Medical imagin and psychiatry came together and revolutionized my life
  • Over the next 22 years, we created the world's larrgest database of brain scans related to behavior on patients from 93 countries.
  • SPECT tells three things. Good activiy, too little, too much.
  • Alzheimer's disease actually starts in the brain 30 to 50 years before you have any symptoms.
  • Before imaging, I always felt like I was throwing darts in the dark at my patients.

Beyin Yapısı

Beynin Yapısı

4 ana kısım görüyoruz.

Frontal Lobe: Düşünme, hafıza, davranış ve hareket

Introvert Extravert

Introverts use certain parts of their brain more often than extroverts do. So blood flow is higher in those areas. Introverts have more blood flow to their frontal lobes, the part of the brain that deals with remembering, problem solving, and planning. Extroverts have more blood pumping to areas of the brain involved in driving, listening, and watching.


Corpus Collosum

Beynin iki yanını birleştiren kısım.

Epifiz Bezi

Beyinde en gizemli noktalardan biri.

Hızlı Ve Yavaş Düşünmek

Daniel Kahneman bir kitap yazmış. Thinking Fast and Slow.

Bilgi Beyin Biyokimya

Anlaşılması gereken en önemli konulardan biri, beynin yeni bir bilginin oluşumu için bir dizi biyokimyasal işlem yaptığıdır. Bilgi nöronlar arasında bağ kurularak oluşur. Beynin elastikliği burada devreye girer. Burada elastiklik bağın oluşma hızını etkiler.

Bill Gates Zeka Tipini Bul

Farklı zeka tipleri konusunda Bill Gates'in de tespitleri var.

Makaleye git

Comparison Of Gay Straight Brains


They found that the patterns of connectivity in gay men matched those of straight women, and vice versa (see image, above right). In straight women and gay men, the connections were mainly into regions of the brain that manifest fear as intense anxiety.

Beyinle İlgili Bazı Bilgiler

  • Dunning-Kruger sendromu (kendinin iyi bildiğini sanma)
  • Farklı dilde konuşurken, insan daha mantığa dayalı düşünüyormuş.
  • Müzik dünyayı algılama şeklini değiştiriyor.
  • Şarkı söylemek endorfin ve oksitosin salgılatıyormuş. Müthiş rahatlama oluyormuş.
  • Reddedilme sonucu beyinde gerçek fiziksel acıyla oluşan etkiler oluşuyormuş.
  • Negatiflik geni.
  • Güneş ışığı depresyondan koruyormuş. Bu yüzden güneş ışığı az ülkelerde depresyon fazlaymış.

Beynin önemi

Bir konu var ki, o konunun detaylarından habersiz olmanın sonucu insanların kendilerine bakışı, etrafına bakışı, dünyaya bakışı, olayları anlayışı ve yorumlayışı “dünya bir öküzün başının üstünde durmaktadır, öküz kımıldayınca deprem olmaktadır” mertebesinde kalıyor. “Benzin mi, dizel mi abi? Farketmez ya, kafana göre doldur” mertebesinde.

İlkelliğe giden yol beynin üst tarafının iptalinden ve alt tarafının ağır basmasından geçer.

Sex Differences In Brain

Overall size, Laterilization (Language more on left side in men), Neurotransmitter availability, Structural Variations

  • Corpus callosum: thicker in men
  • Hypothalamus: Gay men's hypothalamus responds to testestoron like women.
  • Hippocampus: How it responds to stress.
  • Prefrontal cortex:Larger in women.
  • Amygdala:Men bigger on right, women bigger on left
  • Parietal cortext: Spacial ability. In men larger.
  • Temporal cortex: To identify what we are seeing. Larger in women.

Corpus callosum difference: Myth or reality?

It has been claimed that the human corpus callosum shows sex differences, and in particular that the splenium (the posterior portion) is larger in women than in men.


The recent studies, most of which used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), confirm the earlier findings of larger average brain size and overall corpus callosum size for males. The widespread belief that women have a larger splenium than men and consequently think differently is untenable. Causes of and means to avoid such a false impression in future research are discussed.

open article

Sex differences in the corpus callosum of the living human being

mathematical evaluation confirmed this observation in that the maximum width of the splenium was significantly greater in women than in men, and that the percentage by which the average width of the splenium was greater than that of the adjacent corpus callosum was significantly greater in females than in males.

open article

Boys and Girls Prefer gender-typical toys


Despite social pressure, boys and girls still prefer gender-typical toys

Fifty years of research on children's toy preferences shows that kids generally prefer toys oriented toward their own gender.

Explainin Human's Brain

  • 03:00 Fear And Brain. Panic and fear is the source of problems.
  • 06:44 The part that makes us most human about the brain is our frontal cortex.
  • 06:50 If the amygdala is the first floor, the cortex is the second floor of the brain.
  • 18:45 Brain and sexuality

Limbic System

HAT H hippotalamus, amigdala, talamus, hipocampus

Free Will

Robert Sapolsky diye bu konularda sosyal medyada da tanınış Standford Üniversitesi öğretim görevlisi olan bir zat var. Özgür irade yoktur diyor. Bize de bunun örneklerle neden yanlış olduğunu açıklamak düşer.

Neuroscience And Conciousness

Our brains do not produce consciousness, they 'filter' it and consciousness is related to the higher dimensions in string theory. In this thought provoking conversation, distinguished Professor of mathematics and astronomy Bernard Carr explains his theory of consciousness and psi-phenomena.

Human Sexuality

  • 00:00 What Happened to Michael’s Recent Article?
  • 04:29 The Topic that Got Michael’s Article Cancelled
  • 12:49 Why Transgenderism Has Increased
  • 21:20 Is Gender Dysphoria Linked with Autism?
  • 25:17 Solutions Following Michael’s Research
  • 31:00 Sexual Orientations of Trans People
  • 41:50 Is Being Sexually Attracted to She-Males Common?
  • 47:14 Are Women Aroused by Straight, Gay & Lesbian Porn?
  • 54:07 Why More Men Experience Strange Sexual Interests
  • 1:00:48 Environmental Impacts on Sexuality
  • 1:10:28 How We Have Become Better at Identifying Gay People
  • 1:14:47 The Malleability of Male Mate Value
  • 1:20:29 Where to Find Michael